a range of AGV solutions that can be matched to your needs and requirements.
The iCart has been designed to work in most distribution and production line environments The compact size of the unit, only 1 metre long and the same width as a PC keyboard, enables it to travel down narrow gangways accessing areas that cannot be reached by forklift trucks.
Versatility and simplicity are key features of the iCart. It can pick and drop trolleys around stations totally automatically.
The iCart Truck has a common power and control front end with bolt on trailers to suit a wide range of loads. Pallets, boxes and trolleys can all be transferred with this powerful versatile unit. Automatic transfer to and from the trailer can be accomplished without operator involvement when necessary. Trucks can operate alonside standard iCarts sharing common routes around the system.
iCart shuttles are a revolutionary automated buffering concept. Working individually or as teams, they can automatically transfer loads between operators, conveyors and iCart trucks. It’s possible to create queues hundreds of metres long and use multiple shuttles to achieve high throughputs. Currently loads of up to 1 tonne can be handled by these systems.
smart in-house logistics solutions
from iCart